My Workout Inspirations From the 80's

I sure do miss the 80's. Remember those days? Back in those days everybody seemed to be into fitness. There was no Biggest Loser show back then. No sir, back then everybody on TV was fit or getting fit. Remember the Lee Majors diet ads? How about the Rocky movies?

Those old TV and movie heroes like Lee Majors, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Mr. T gave me a lot of inspiration to work out. When I was a young kid I loved to run around play fighting in slow motion like the Six Million Dollar Man, and then when Spider-man and his Amazing Friends debuted I hung a rubber water hose to a tree to swing over a small cliff like Spidey. I think I was the world's first bungee jumper. I can't forget all the flexing I did as a miniature Hulk, imitating Lou Ferrigno.

But without a doubt it was when I first saw the Rocky movies that I gained an obsession for physical fitness specifically weight training, and while I'm not exactly Lou Ferrigno or Arnold, I quote Rocky, "It ain't over till it's over". Look at Sly even today. He's, of this writing, 63 years old and about to debut his new action movie, "The Expendables" with co-stars Jet Li and Jason Statham. If he can keep going at that age, I can keep at it in my late 30's.

Funny though, as many times as I have watched Rocky over and over again, I never got into boxing.

I hope fitness comes back into style again, and I really hope something is done about the foods we eat. Take the high fructose corn syrup that's basically in 90 percent of all processed foods, if Sly spent his life eating what most of us today eat he'd be the Italian blimp.

Healthcare is being debated across the land, but nobody really wants to address the easy things we can do to save money on healthcare, like stop eating crap. Do you ever remember seeing people as heavy in the 80's as you do today? It's the food and lack of movement.

What's the moral here? Do research on the foods you eat. Eat better, and stick a Rocky movie in your DVD player before heading off to the gym. Pretend like you're training to fight Mr. T. That ought to motivate you.


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