Does Biggest Loser Have the Right Idea About Weight Loss?

Does the Biggest Loser have the right idea about how to lose weight? Well that's a good question. Personally, I used to be of the mind the harder the training the better. I grew up on Rocky movies and have been thus inspired to push my training exercises to the limit as I grew up. But as I have grown older and wished to continue to live healthy, while avoiding constant muscle tears and injuries, I found that moderate exercise and healthy diet to be the corner stones of my personal health plan. I still like to push my limits occasionally, but longevity trumps burning out any day.

Now you take the first episode of this season's Biggest Loser. One older man has to see a doctor, and one lady is rushed to the hospital after they are told to take off running, I think it was a mile or more. At any rate these people were on the Biggest Loser for a reason. They hadn't exercised or eaten proper meals for years. You know somebody is going to pass out or worse, die of a heart attack.

So you know it's entertaining to watch these folks push themselves to their limits and hopefully overcome, but is it realistic for the average person at home to jump off the couch and start running a mile as hard as they can after years of sitting still and eating pizza, ice cream, french fries, and the Lord only knows what else? No, not really.

If I were to train this folks the first thing I'd do is change their diet which is what they do on the show. That's the biggest part of losing weight and being healthy, but exercise is something you have to work up to. This week you walk a mile. In a couple of days maybe walk a mile and a half. Do a few sit ups, and push ups, and gradually increase the reps or weight as the days and weeks go by. Healthy living is a life style not a race. Even the greatest athletes end up with injuries that slow their progress or halt it altogether as far as being the best that they can be physically. Athletes train hard. They have to, to beat the competition. But if your goal is to be healthy and fit then don't shoot yourself in the leg before you reach your goal. Every injury slows your progress down considerably and causes you to lose more ground than you gain. So try to know your own body. Work into it.

Now everybody gets injured from time to time especially as we get older. The trick is to work around with it without causing the injury to increase. I'm still going to play basketball and push those weights to the limit as I grow older, just not everyday. It's not about killing yourself. It's about getting healthy over time. Just once you get started don't ever stop. Keep on going like Sly Stallone in the Rocky movies.

Having said that the wife and I do like to do some of those Biggest Loser workouts on DVD. They are challenging. Just got to know when to stop and when to keep going, and put down that ice cream!


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