Halloween Coloring Books that are fun for everyone!

Halloween is sooner than you think, but it really doesn't have to be Halloween to enjoy this new coloring book called Halloween Fun Coloring Book. Coloring is the new in thing today. A lot of people are turning to coloring books for help with dealing with stress. They are a great way to relax after a hard day's work.

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Here's the official description for Halloween Fun Coloring Book -

Have lots of fun while celebrating Halloween with this coloring book so fun it's scary. It features 39 images to color. Within you'll find  jack o'lanterns, monsters, skeletons, a mummy, ghosts, bats, haunted scenery, houses, cemeteries, and all types of interesting monstrous art to color. Artwork ranges from the relatively simple to the more detailed in order to give as much variety as possible. There's plenty to color in each page. These pages offer hours of coloring fun to help relax your nerves and relieve your mind of the stressful events of the day. It's spooky fun without any material that would be unsuitable for younger coloring artist. This book is fun for all ages.

Here's a coloring page example featuring a walking skeleton Jack O' Lantern thingie.

Here's some more page examples from the book. There are lots more crazy creatures to color in this book.

While your in the spooky Halloween mood, you may want to get this one for your kids. It's a Lucky Cat coloring book called Monster Halloween Coloring Book and it features the cartoon book character Lucky the Cat. He's a cat that is far from actually lucky in life.

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Here's the official book description - Halloween fun for kids and adults alike coloring monsters, zombies, ghosts, witches, vampires, mummies, and all kinds of various undead ghouls. This coloring book also features Lucky the Cat mostly running in fear and terror of the many scary poltergeists. Laugh at the crazy cartoon cat and the silly classic monster movie parodies and nutty captions. This book also mixes in general Halloween images such as jack o' lanterns pumpkins, aliens, trick or treating, bats, and skeletons. There's even a page thrown in for good measure that features a couple of unicorns to really terrify you.

Here's some coloring page examples from the book. For more on Lucky the Cartoon Cat.

Here's a short video of Lucky dancing from his Youtube channel.


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