
Showing posts from February, 2022

Book of Boba Fett Review -Opinion: How Good or Bad Was It?

  Book of Boba Fett Review -Opinion: How Good or Bad Was It? I'm late finishing the Star Wars series Boba Fett from Disney Plus. I heard some negative comments about it so I thought I'd give my two cents worth. In the video I review which episodes were bad and where it started getting good. Of particular interest to me was the character Cad Bane who was like an alien Clint Eastwood hybrid. Also, the Marshal, Cobb Vanth was interesting. I talk about the takeover by the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda toward the end and what I thought about that.

Superman Comic Story that Predicted 2020 and 2021 back in 1980

  Science fiction stories, comic books, movies, and television often make attempts at telling us what the future may hold. Sometimes, they get it right other times not so much. Back in 1980 Cary Bates started a 8 page back up story for Superman issue 354 that imagined what the year 2020 would look like from the view of Superman’s grandson, Superman the third. This eight-page backup story appeared in Superman #354, 355, 357, 361, 364, 368, and 372 and would eventually run into the year 2021. First let’s look at the fictional predictions for the comic book world of 2020. Story wise, the first Superman had been aged greatly by Lex Luthor, otherwise being Superman he likely would only have a few grey hairs by 2020.   Superman the third killed off his Kent identity, Kalel Kent in favor of Jon Hudson and worked as an traffic controller. I guess, he wanted to make sure he would be instantly aware of any traffic accidents. In the future Superman still uses words like, “Gosh” a...

New Tvcrazyman Blog

Just want to get this out there. I've started a new blog at  also accessible at . It's not going to be a whole lot different than this blog other than I plan on spending a lot more time on it. I've used the name Tvcrazyman on a lot of other media so I might as well go with it. I'll be talking about television, comics, and movies, and I'll be posting a lot of my original videos from my Tvcrazyman Youtube Channel . I promise if you check back a lot it will be a lot of fun. I'm bound to post something that you are interested in. I'll also be talking a lot about comics art and my original characters that I have for sale at Amazon like Caveman Comics .  Just remember, and you'll pretty much be able to find it all. Here's a couple of examples from my video channel just give you an idea of the variety of entertainment you'll find on the Tvcrazyman Blog. So, bookmark it and prepare for crazy fun!  Th...

Incredible Hulk Smashes TV Show MASH, the Thing, and Hollywood in 1978 Comic Book

  A Moment in Incredible Hulk Comic Book and TV History and 1970’s Nostalgia What happened when the Hulk saw himself on television in the comics? From my  youtube channel Also, loaded to Rumble  and Bitchute In this video we’ll go back in time to age of disco when Jimmy Carter was President, 1978. We’ll take a look at one of my favorite comic books of all time, Marvel Two-In-One #46 featuring the Thing and guest starring the Incredible Hulk. In this story, we find out what happens when the Incredible Hulk sees himself on television. Does he decide to go to Hollywood for autographs or does he want to be in the show himself, or does something else happen?   Alan Kupperberg was the writer and artist, Roger Stern was the editor and at that time Jim Shooter was editor-in-chief. Before we get into it,  I have to point out the Energized Spider-man ad on the left. I always wanted that action figure as a kid, but I missed out. I did have a re...