
Showing posts from November, 2009

Best New SCI-FI

Some good stuff is out there and coming around the bend. V the new series has got my interest up with the first episode so far. It's classic sci-fi in that's it's not just a bunch of aliens running around killing things like a cheap sci-fi channel Saturday night movie. It does what good sci-fi has always done in the past. It uses themes of science fiction to represent current political climates and events. The original V dealt with aggressors that used tactics similar to Nazis and Communists. These new Visitors seem to be running for President or Congress. So far they've refused any negative media coverage, promised universal healthcare, got the young people's attention right off the bat, and expected complete devotion while keeping their true agenda hidden. There are a lot of similarities between the old and new V, but this new bunch of Visitors are really pushing the health care bit. I only hope they've learned from the mistakes of the first V series. Pret...